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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- & Juliet
- 'Til Death Do Us Part: Late Nite Catechism 3
- ...what the end will be
- 1 million years in 1 hour
- 100 Days
- 100 metros cuadrados
- 12 Angry Men
- 1984
- 2 son multitud
- 20th Century Boy
- 24 de septiembre, casi casi primavera
- 2666
- 3 Legged Tale
- 30 y pico bue... casi 40
- 4-Plays
- 4000 Miles
- 5 Andar por favor Tikcets
- 53% of
- 69 Degree S
- 7 years
- 700 Sundays - Billy Crystal
- 72 Miles To Go
- 887
- A 2.50 la Cuba Libre
- A Billion Nights on Earth
- A Bright Room Called Day
- A Bronx Tale
- A Charlie Brown Christmas
- A Chorus of Disapproval
- A Christmas Carol: A Ghost Story of Christmas
- A Christmas Memory
- A Clockwork Orange
- A Day in the Death of Joe Egg
- A Delicate Balance
- A Dolls House
- A Dolls House Part 2
- A Few Good Men
- A Flea in Her Ear
- A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Gynecologic Oncology Unit
- A German Life
- A House Full of Secrets
- A Hundred Words For Snow
- A Life
- A Man Of Good Hope
- A Mess of Durang
- A Midsummer Nights Dream
- A Monster Calls
- A Month in the Country
- A Moon for the Misbegotten
- A Museum in Baghdad
- A noite de 16 de janeiro
- A Oscuras Me Da Risa
- A Parallelogram
- A People's History
- A Play Is a Poem
- A Raisin in the Sun
- A Right Royale Tea
- A Round Heeled Woman
- A Season in the Congo
- A Small Family Business
- A Snow White Christmas
- A Soldier's Play
- A Song At Twilight
- A Steady Rain
- A Streetcar Named Desire
- A Tale of Two Cities
- A Taste Of Honey
- A Taste Of Things To Come
- A Thousand Splendid Suns
- A Time To Kill
- A Very Expensive Poison
- A Very Orwellian Christmas
- A View from the Bridge
- A Whistle in the Dark
- A Woman of No Importance
- A Wonderful Life
- A Word Or Two
- Abigails Party
- Above The Fold
- Abschiedsdinner
- Absinthe
- Absurd Person Singular
- Act One
- Actually
- Addicted To Show Business
- Adel Verpflichtet
- Adiós Arturo, La Cubana
- Adventures In Wonderland
- Afraid of the Dark
- After
- After Juliet
- After Miss Julie
- After the Blast
- After The Dance
- Afterglow
- Against
- Agamemnon
- Agatha Christies The Hollow
- Agnes Colander
- Ah Wilderness
- Ain't No Mo'
- Aint Nothing Like Family
- Airline Highway
- Airness
- Aktenskapsgrejen
- Albion
- Alessandra & Estelita
- Alice Through The Looking Glass
- All About Eve
- All That Fall
- All The Fine Boys
- All The Way
- All The Ways To Say I Love You
- All's Well That Ends Well
- Allegro
- American Buffalo
- American Lulu
- American Mariachi
- American Moor
- American Night The Ballad of Juan Jose
- American Son
- Americas Got Downton
- Amour
- Amy and the Orphans
- An Act of God
- An American Story
- An Enemy of the People
- An Iliad
- An Inspector Calls
- An Octoroon
- And No More Shall We Part
- And Then There Were None
- Andromache
- Angels in America
- Ann
- Ann - An Affectionate Portrait of Ann Richards
- Anna
- Anna Cappelli
- Anna Karenina
- Another Country
- Antes de que sea tarde
- Antigone
- Antisocial
- Apesta
- Apocalipsis - Circo de los Horrores
- Apologia
- Appropriate
- Arcadia
- Archduke
- Argonautika
- Around the World in 80 Days
- Arsenic and Old Lace
- Art
- As Irmas Macaluso
- As You Like It
- Ask Aunt Susan
- Así de simple
- At home with my monsters
- At The Old Place
- ATR - Argentina a Toda Risa
- Autobahn
- Awful Auntie
- Aye, No!
- B.A.P.S.
- Baby Reindeer
- Bachelorette Party the Play
- Bad Jews
- Bad Time Good Face
- Bakersfield Mist
- Bakkhai
- Barbecue
- Barber Shop Chronicles
- Barcelona The Play
- Barefoot in the Park
- Bat Boy
- Battlefield
- Becoming Kareem
- Bedtime Stories
- Before You Say I Do
- Beginning
- Behind Closed Doors
- Behind The Pulpit
- Being Shakespeare
- Bell Book and Candle
- Bella Bella
- Bellas y Bestias
- Belleville
- Bembel-Rock im Blauen Bock
- Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo
- Bent
- Berenice
- Berlin in Buenos Aires
- Betrayal
- Between Riverside and Crazy
- Between the Devil and The Deep Blue Sea
- Beyond Caring
- Beyond Therapy
- Big Night
- Big Resign Day
- Big Sky
- Bigger Than You, Bigger Than Me
- Bijou A Cabaret of Secrets and Seduction
- Billionaire Boy
- Bingo
- Biper y sus Amigos
- Birdland Theatre
- Birthday Candles
- Bisman´s Project
- Bitter Wheat
- Black & 25 in America
- Black Angels Over Tuskegee
- Black N Blue Boys
- Black Odyssey
- Black Super Hero Magic Mama
- Black Watch
- Blaze Theatre
- Blick zurück im Zorn
- Blind Date
- Blink
- Block Party
- Blood and Gifts
- Blood on the Snow
- Blood Wedding
- Bloodshot
- Blues for An Alabama Sky
- Blurred Lines
- Bobbie Clearly
- Bobby Socks and Blus Jeans
- Boeing Boeing
- Bolle di Sapone
- Bollywood Night
- Bom Retiro 958 Meters
- Boom
- Born To Run
- Box Of Delights
- Brandheiss
- Breakfast with Mugabe
- Breaking The Code
- Briefs
- Brighton Beach Memoirs
- Bring Up the Bodies
- Broken Glass
- Bronte: The World Without
- Bronx Bombers
- Broue
- Brownsville song b-side for tray
- Buenísimo Show
- Buffalo Quickies
- Buffalo Soldiers
- Bug
- Building the Wall
- Bullet for Adolf
- Bunny Bunny: Gilda Radner, A Sort of Love Story
- Buried Child
- Burn This
- Burt and Me
- Burundanga
- Butcher
- Buyer and Cellar
- By The Way Meet Vera Stark
- Byhalia, Mississippi
- C.S. Lewis Onstage
- Caesar and Cleopatra
- Calendar Girls
- Caligula
- Calligraphy
- Cambodian Rock Band
- Camino Real
- Campo Minado
- Cannibal
- Captain Corelli's Mandolin
- Carlyle
- Carnival Baby
- Caro
- Caroline, Or Change
- Carrie Fisher in Wishful Drinking
- Cartas de Jenny
- Casa de nines
- Casa Duarte
- Casa Valentina
- Casi Perfectas
- Cat in the Hat
- Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
- Celui Qui Tombe
- Chapter Two
- Chariots of Fire
- Charles Francis Chan Jrs Exotic Oriental Murder Mystery
- Charles iii
- Chavez Ravine
- Cheers Live on Stage
- Chekhov Tolstoy Love Stories
- Chicos Católicos
- Children of a Lesser God
- Children of the Dust Bowl
- Chimerica
- China Doll
- Chinglish
- Chita Rivera
- Choir Boy
- Christiane
- Christmas Bingo
- Christmas Vacation
- Christmas Wonderland Holiday Spectacular
- Church and State
- Church Basement Ladies
- Churchill
- Cinco horas con Mario
- Clarence Darrow
- Clarkston
- Classic Lunch Cruise
- Classic Thriller Season
- Claveles Rojos
- Clavemos el visto
- Cleo
- Cleopatra metió la pata
- Clever Little Lies
- Clive
- Clownppelia
- Club 57
- Clybourne Park
- Coitus, La Comedia
- Cold Turkey at Nanas
- Collective Rage
- Colossal
- Comandante Lara y Cía
- Coming Clean
- Common Play
- Como si pasara un tren
- Como Ter Uma Vida Quase Normal
- Conductas alteradas
- Confederacy of Dunces
- Confederates
- Confessions Of A Side Chick
- Confidence
- Conned
- Constellations
- Contact
- Contando Historias
- Conversaciones con Mamá
- Cool Hand Luke
- Copenhagen
- Coppia Aperta Quasi Spalancata
- Corduroy
- Coreomanía - No puedo parar
- Coriolanus
- Corta el cable rojo
- Cosa de Minas
- Cost Of Living
- Crazy for Tea
- Crazy For You
- Cries and Whispers
- Crossing Delancey
- Cuando estallan las paredes
- Curtains
- Cádiz
- Cómo ser la peor mamá del mundo
- Dada Woof Papa Hot
- Daddy
- Damascus Alleppo
- Dame Edna tickets
- Dan Cody's Yacht
- Dan Cody’s Yacht
- Dance Nation
- Dancing At Lughnasa
- Dancing Lessons
- Danny and the Deep Blue Sea
- Dark Sublime
- Das Sams - Eine Woche voller Samstage
- Daytona
- De Caperucita a Loba en solo seis tíos
- De Cómo un Pobre Entierra a la Mamá
- De eso no se canta
- Dead Accounts
- Dead Dog in a Suitcase (and other love songs)
- Dead Funny
- Dead Metaphor
- Dead Poets Society
- Dead Simple
- Dear Glasgow
- Dear Lupin
- Dearly Departed
- Death and the Maiden
- Death of a Salesman tickets
- Death Tax
- Deathtrap
- Defending The Caveman
- Delia
- Delirium
- Delusion
- Departamento de Soltero
- Der Beziehungscoach
- Der kleine Störtebeker
- Der süsseste Wahnsinn
- Der Zaubermantel
- Der Zinnsoldat und die Papiertanzerin
- Deranged
- Desafios Mágicos #Relatividades
- Desatinadas
- Descubriendo a Sarah Bernhardt
- Desire
- Desnudos
- Después de Casa de Muñecas
- Después de nosotros
- Destiny of Desire
- Detroit the Play
- Devil's Exorcist - Theater of Horror
- Devised and Concur
- Dial M for Murder
- Diary of a Madman
- Diary of A Worm, A Spider & A Fly
- Diavolo
- Dick Whittington
- Die Feuerzangenbowle
- Die Königs vom Kiez
- Die Legende vom heißen Sommer
- Die Leiden des jungen Werther
- Die Schneekönigin
- Die unendliche Geschichte
- Die Wahrheit über Dinner for One
- Dinosaur World Live
- Dirty Great Love Story
- Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
- Discord
- Disgraced
- Dixies Never Wear a Tubetop
- Dixies Tupperware Party
- Do You Trust Your Best Friend
- Doctor Faustus
- Doctor In The House
- Doctor Who: Time Fracture
- Domesticated
- Don Juan in Soho
- Don Quixote and Sancho Panza
- Done The Stage Play
- Dont Dress For Dinner
- Donusum
- Downstairs
- Downstate
- Dracula
- Draußen vor der Tür
- Dream Freaks Fall From Space
- Drei Männer im Schnee
- Drift
- Drunk Shakespeare
- Dry Powder
- Duke Ellington's Sophisticated Ladies
- Dunsinane
- Dunyada Karsilasmis Gibi
- Dust
- Dybbuk
- Dying City
- East Is East
- East of Eden
- East to Edinburgh
- Eclipsed
- Edward II
- Ein Gespräch im Hause Stein über den abwesenden Herrn von Goethe
- Ejercicios Fantásticos del Yo
- El beso que no hiere
- El Club de los Tarados
- El Curioso Incidente del Perro a Medianoche
- El Equilibrista
- El Funeral
- El HDP del Sombrero
- El Imitador
- El loco y la camisa
- El mar de noche
- El pare de la núvia
- El Placer
- El Publico
- El Rock suena en familia
- El Sentido del Humor: dos tontos y yo
- El Zumbathon
- Eleanor Her Secret Journey
- Electra
- Elegy
- Elena: Teatro Milán 1985
- Elephant Room
- Elizabeth Rex
- Elling
- Elliot A Soldiers Fugue
- Else
- Emil and The Detectives
- Emily Brown and the Thing
- Emma
- Empire
- En ocasiones veo a Umberto
- Encounters Performers on Performance
- Endgame
- Engaged
- Enrique
- Enter Achilles
- Entre Boleros y Tango
- Entre ella y yo
- Equus
- Eric and Little Ern
- Ernie
- 17 Orchard Point
- 8 The Play
- A Boy And His Soul
- A Charlie Brown Christmas Live On Stage
- A Fox On the Fairway
- A Frank's Christmas
- A Handful of Stars
- A Marvelous Night
- A Monster Calls
- A Profoundly Affectionate, Passionate Devotion To Someone (-noun)
- A Red Line Runs Through It
- A Sinners Prayer
- A Snowplow Named Desire Love in Minnesota
- A Tale of Two Cities Providence
- A Very Very Very Dark Matter
- Ab Jetzt!
- Acts Of God
- Adrienne Truscott
- Afflicted - Daughters of Salem
- Air Play
- Alexandre Astier
- Alice By Heart
- Alice's Adventures Underground
- Almost, Maine
- Amadeus Santa Barbara
- Amédé
- An Evening with C.S. Lewis
- An Evening With Groucho
- An Evening With Mark Twain
- Anatomy Of A Suicide
- Andreas Hofer
- Androcles And The Lion
- Annabelle Broom: The Unhappy Witch
- Annapurna
- Antigone Au Printemps
- Arms and the Man
- Arthur Trace
- Aschenputtel Leipzig
- Assata Taught Me
- At Home at the Zoo
- August: Osage County
- Avner The Eccentric
- Babysitter
- Barber Shop Chronicles
- Barnum
- Basque National Orchestra
- Be Bop A Lula
- Beautiful Thing
- Beijing Symphony Orchestra
- Ben Nordstrom
- Bernhardt/Hamlet
- Best Ager
- Bestimmt wird alles gut
- Betroffenheit
- Betrunkene
- Beyond Bollywood
- Bill W. and Doctor Bob
- Birds Of A Kind Stratford
- Boa
- Boesman and Lena
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